The Loverly Car
My legs started shivering. I wanted to run but there was no way I could put it into action. Turned the key again, engine roared and I released the clutch slowly. So stupid of me to expect the car to move without taking my foot off the brake. But there seemed no co-ordination between my toe on the brake and the brain instructions. I looked into the rear mirror to check the traffic. There was a red hot bus behind. The bus driver was surely annoyed on my failure to make a way for him. Some how managed to move the wheels. Else, I would have got stuck for another minute at the traffic signal. I assumed there won’t be any signal at 7:30 in the morning and went out to harness my driving skills at the heart of the Palace city. Oh boy! I didn’t know driving in the city with the signals on is dreadful. It’s fun on road that is devoid of people and vehicle. I prefer two- wheeler for its flexibility on the narrow and crowded roads. On the other hand, love to drive my brother’s loverly car for th...