
Showing posts from March, 2012

As kids grow

We ( I n Pannu) took out our beloved-not-used for long Keyboard. He likes to play the preset tunes that are already present in the Keyboard.We sat on floor with the keyboard. He started pressing the buttons randomly as he would usually do. Yet he'd try to figure out what button does what? Over a year I've seen a magnificent change in the way Pannu perceives the instrument. When he was barely 2 year old, he quickly got bored. Sounds that keyboard produced didn't engage him longer. He was less interested in playing it. Rather he loved to jump on the keyboard n turn it into a spring-board. Now, he imitates my finger movements on the keyboard. Then says "hegena?"(Is this how?) He loves to move his little fingers from the lower note to the higher n enjoys every bit of it. Number 34 is the number you need to press to play "twinkle twinkle little star".... I told pannu. I showed him the numbers 3 n 4. He memorized the keys. Pressed the same. As the keyboard...